It began years ago when I was given a 110mm hot pink Barbie camera for my fifth birthday. I absolutely loved running around documenting my family and pets with that camera, snapping away at the star-shaped shutter, anxiously waiting for the film to come back from the local lab (yes, back then all we had was glorious film).
While my taste in colors and cameras have evolved over the years, my passion for documenting moments of life continued into adulthood. It led me to earn a Bachelor’s degree in photography from Webster University.
While at Webster I ended up meeting an International Human Rights major/Photography minor who would eventually become my main second shooter, equipment pack mule, and husband, Alex. We met in a Digital Imaging I course, where Alex's big Photoshop project was transforming his cocker spaniel Chester into Falcore the Dragon from The NeverEnding Story. While we were both too intimidated by each other in college to ask each other out, we ended up crossing paths again seven years later, and the rest is history. We make a great documenting duo, and we love getting to capture other people's (and animal's) special moments.
Both Alex and I believe love is love, and no one should be discriminated against based on whom they love, how they identify, or whom/how they worship. We support our clients for who they are, and we like to work with others who do the same. Everyone deserves love, and everyone deserves to have their love story told.
If we’re photographing a session and you bring your fur baby, expect me to make clucking noises to get their attention. I have no shame. I also usually end up sharing embarrassing stories from my childhood to bust out those natural laughs and smiles.
Don’t worry, I’ve got plenty to go around for everyone.
Currently, Alex and I reside in Saint Louis, Mo., with our senior cat Haru, adopted dogs Phoebe and Manneford, and chickens Chewbawka, Kylo Hen, C3-PeepO, Ducky, and Spike (and, yes, I'm a huge geek and name my chickens after Star Wars poultry puns and Land Before Time characters since chickens are tiny dinosaurs).
When I have spare time (which there's never enough of!) I enjoy spending it with all my animal loves and family, enjoying the amazing vegan food St. Louis has to offer, gardening, and experimenting in the kitchen.